R & D Experiment Design

  • Would you like reliable information on a project, product or process that your own technical people have told you or convinced you that you “just cannot know that” or that “we have never done that before”?
  • Would you like concrete information on a project, product of process and you or your company has no technical resources to rely on?
  • Do you have a customer requesting that you provide them with information on a product or process that you are supplying or would like to supply?
  • Are you in an industry with new or potentially new regulations that are forcing you to change your process or product?
  • Do you think you could use an independent review of your companies top to bottom process and policies?
  • Are you content with your company's waste profile and or waste treatment systems but are wondering if it could be better?
  • If you answered yes to any of the above questions than we at Midwest Analytical Services, Inc. can probably help you to improve your process, your product, your bottom line, your compliance record and the overall effectiveness of the cash flow that your business produces.

Special Projects

Midwest Analytical Services, Inc. can assist with any kind of special projects. Please email info@e4mas.com with your contact information and a description of the project or call 248-591-6660.


  • Designed and implemented emergency air testing methods during fire clean up efforts in a local power plant and the air traffic control room at Detroit Metro Airport. Innovation, speed and scientific knowledge allowed the impact of these emergency events to be minimized which conserved resources, maintained safety and allowed normal operations to resume much quicker.
  • Designed and implemented a testing procedure for a major coal facility in Canada so they could predict the amount of coal spillage if they upgraded their delivery system.
  • Demonstrated to a major steel production company that they did not need to spend $7 million dollars to be compliant with their NPDES Waste Water Discharge permit for Ammonia. In only a matter of weeks a practical scale demonstration process was functioning on site, meeting or exceeding the ammonia removal specifications. This and other factors allowed the company to save over 98% of the original projected cost.
  • A local blending company of products for the horse industry needed to be ISO certified for their production process. In order to do this, proof of the contents of each batch needed to be created. We designed special test methods for each ingredient of the formula and allowed the blender to retain and expand its customer base.
  • A regional treatment facility needed to upgrade its waste treatment facility to meet new regulatory requirements. Of particular concern were heavy metals such as mercury. After conventional methods proved to be unsuccessful, we were hired and in a matter of weeks had a new process working at full scale which allowed new and old lines of business to continue or be added as customers in a profitable way.
  • A local property management company was having trouble with blue salt forming in the drinking water system at one of their buildings. We went to the scene, collected samples and designed a testing program and budget that fit the customer's needs and pinpointed the problem water heater. A potentially dangerous and expensive situation was averted with quick and accurate information that protected human health, property and saved thousands of dollars.
  • A company that manages water that is contaminated with petroleum products was in trouble and the non-technical general manager believed that the trouble might be in his Technical Science and Engineering Department. We were hired and his concerns were well-founded. In a matter of months the company's Technical Department was working in conjunction with Operations and Sales instead of against them.

There are many more and references are available for each and every case!